Month: July 2008

20 Posts

adoption, advice, anthropology, being the best, brand consciousness, brand culture, brand relevance, brand strategy, brand valuation, building value, change agent, common sense, cool factor, customer communities, differentiation, fresh ideas, great ideas, happy customers, ideation, identity development, market disruption, market research, mentality, niche, opportunity, perception, pop culture, power brand, product development, product failure, product management, product release, purchasing triggers, reality, relevance, smart business, success, value proposition

Wagging the long tail: Gimmicks vs. Substance

advice, anthropology, being the best, brand ambassadors, brand consciousness, brand culture, brand insights, brand ownership, brand you, civilized behavior, collaboration, community, competition, conference, corporate culture, corporate ecosystem, culture, customer communities, customer experience, customer relationship, customer service, differentiation, employee morale, engagement, evolution, excellence, good advice, happy customers, happy employees, human interactions, infection, insight, integrity, intelligence, kicking ass, leadership, lessons, management lessons, mentality, microsoft, motivation, passionate staffers, perfectionism, perspective, professionalism, psychology, purchasing triggers, relationships, science, smart business, strategy, team building, user experience, working with others

Why positive people create positive brand experiences… and negative people don’t.