Category: people power

7 Posts

brand ambassadors, brand consciousness, brand culture, brand ownership, brand strategy, building value, business, collaboration, communication, community, competitive edge, conference, conversation, conversations, customer communities, customer experience, customer relationship, customer service, hiring, human interactions, human resources, influencers, passionate staffers, people power, planning, professionalism, referral, relationships, social media, social network, social networking, trend spotting, Uncategorized

Tish Grier on the seven core traits of a great community manager

agile creativity, amatore, anthropology, brainstorm, brand insights, brand ownership, brand relevance, community, consumer questions, contributing, conversations, core77, culture, customer communities, Design Goodness, design thinking, engagement, environmental issues, fresh ideas, green branding, human interactions, hybrid thinking, ideas, ideation, imagineering, inner amateur, passion, passionate staffers, people power, product design, product development, smart business, social media, social network, society, solutions, sustainability

How “green” designers are leveraging the innovative power of engaged communities

brand promise, brand relevance, brand strategy, building value, civilized behavior, client partnerships, corporate culture, customer communities, customer experience, customer relationship, customer service, differentiation, engagement, good advice, happy customers, human interactions, management, market disruption, opportunity, people power, perception, purple cows, rainmaking, relationships, relevance, routine, user experience, user interface, value proposition, wisdom, WOM

How Routine Kills Brands